
About Me

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Hello my name is Shelley Newman i am an artist based in London and i am currently studying a Foundation art degree. I have always been interested in art & design since i was little, my hobby is drawing Manga, a Japanese cartoon drawing style witch is very popular around the world. My artwork is based on graphic design where i use photoshop to manipulate my artwork, On this blog will be my personal artwork and also my work from my course, I hope you enjoy.

Monday, 24 September 2012

3D mark making with wire and clay


This is a wire piece I was working on; I decided to leave it as it is now because I find it interesting because its like a mummified version of my drawing of Eve from the V&A.
I made a frame to begin with then I started to wrap the wire around the frame and kept on building it up until I got a soil enough form.
For me I found this activity hard because I am not very good with wire so I did struggle a bit but I kept on wrapping the wire around the frame until I gone something witch resembled a human figure.

 I started with a block of clay; I then planned out what I was going to make using a knife to make a slight line so I knew where I was going to cut.
 I started to cut into the clay using a knife to carefully take away the clay lumps I did not need.
 I placed my block of clay onto a pottery wheel to make it more easy to move the clay so I could see all the angles I needed to cut as this was going to be 3D.
 It was hard to get some of the angels right while cutting into the clay.

 I am not very good when handling clay because I had not done much with clay in the past. However I did try my best to create something witch sort of looked like a figure in my mind. What do you think?
 Got half the figure done. Now to get the rest in.

Plaster of Paris
I imprinted a broach into the clay to make this indentation.

Making the plaster; This was the first time I had made plaster of Paris and we had to get a bucket and fill it with some cold water.

 The white powder is the plaster.
 We had to mix the plaster with the water making sure we got the right water to plaster mixture, Otherwise the plaster would not work.
 We had to mix it with our hands because we had to feel for when the plaster became hot then we knew it was ready.

 We made out moulds and made tall borders round the edge so the plaster did not leak out at the sides.

Considering this was my first attempt at plaster of Paris I think they came out well. I do need to make sure next time I get where the indentations need to be made to make the plaster cast come out the right way.

This plaster cast came out a bit wired because I made am mistake with he bottom half of the cast.
I made the indentation the wrong way round making the cast come out with the bottom bit going inwards when I wanted it to be outwards.
Although this did come out not the way I hoped it made me learn and now the next time I make these I know what to do differently.

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