
About Me

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Hello my name is Shelley Newman i am an artist based in London and i am currently studying a Foundation art degree. I have always been interested in art & design since i was little, my hobby is drawing Manga, a Japanese cartoon drawing style witch is very popular around the world. My artwork is based on graphic design where i use photoshop to manipulate my artwork, On this blog will be my personal artwork and also my work from my course, I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Mono Print's

This was my first print I produced the aim on these first prints was too do some mark making using different tools to see what different makes we could make.
For this one I just used my hand to put different amounts of pressure onto the paper and where I have put the most amount of pressure the mark is allot darker because it picked up more ink.

I started using different tools and experimenting with witch types of marks these tools will make.
I used a flat edged glue spreader to make this mark, I used a slightly different technique to the traditional style of mono printing. I placed my ink onto a flat plastic board as usual but rather then put the paper on top of the ink and draw on the paper, I draw straight into the ink and then placed the paper on top and used a sponge to apply the pressure to list the print onto the paper. I prefer this technique better then the traditional version.

I sprayed water straight onto the ink and then genitally placed the paper over the ink creating this print. 

While experimenting I found some white spirit and sprayed it onto the ink board then placed the paper onto of the ink, I found it interesting because where the white spirit was on to the ink it had taken the ink away leaving these white marks.

Next I picked up a ruler and I started to scrape the ink away off the board. In my opinion it created a ribbon effect.

These are some other prints where I have sprayed white spirit onto the ink to erode parts of the black ink, where the white spirit was sprayed you can see the bubbles and the lighter areas.
I wanted to create different marks with the tools I could find around my work area, so I used a rubber to rub away the ink of the pallet.

I used different marks for this print, to me it looks like a field with a fence in the middle of it.

 I used a tip of the pencil to make swirling patterns in the middle of the ink then i placed the paper onto the ink place and rubbed on top of the paper.

 I painted onto the ink plate with white spirit with a paint brush, then placed the paper onto the ink plate and lightly pressed onto the paper this created a negative on the back of the paper.

<<Negative on back of paper
     Actual print >>

 I did the same for this print here on the left.

On the right I drew into the ink using the back of a pencil.

 I also used a fine tip pencil to draw these two into the in because I wanted the line to be fine and so you can see the most of the detail.

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