
About Me

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Hello my name is Shelley Newman i am an artist based in London and i am currently studying a Foundation art degree. I have always been interested in art & design since i was little, my hobby is drawing Manga, a Japanese cartoon drawing style witch is very popular around the world. My artwork is based on graphic design where i use photoshop to manipulate my artwork, On this blog will be my personal artwork and also my work from my course, I hope you enjoy.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Xylo - Artist Analysis

 Xylo’s has been putting up small slate plaques of the Panamanian golden frog to highlight the critically endangered species.  I find this artist interesting because he is doing this for a cause like his other works too,  He does not just put up random artwork or tags stating his name he wants people to notice these frogs for a reason.

 I cant find allot of information about this artist but I really like the fact he has a cause and is politically influenced. These images of the Iphones are some examples of his 3D street art created to raise awareness of the suicide epidemic in Chinese consumer electronics factories, Witch is a really seep and meaningful reason behind these phones. It is sad when you know the reason behind the phones because they could be seen as a joke or humorous to people who do not know the full meaning.

Here is his website with more of his work:

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