
About Me

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Hello my name is Shelley Newman i am an artist based in London and i am currently studying a Foundation art degree. I have always been interested in art & design since i was little, my hobby is drawing Manga, a Japanese cartoon drawing style witch is very popular around the world. My artwork is based on graphic design where i use photoshop to manipulate my artwork, On this blog will be my personal artwork and also my work from my course, I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

3D Thinking Outside The Box - Box Photography

For my final box project outcome I had the idea of taking my cardboard box and throwing it in the air in different places and photographing it with different lights and colours.
First i sprayed my box black because i wanted the box to be plain with no writing or colour on it, also this gives the box an element of mystery. Then with the help of my friend Hamzar who helped me by throwing the box in the air for me to picture, The outcomes have come out well in my opinion and there is something humorous about a black box captured in mid air, it is somewhere where you don't usually see a box.

Here is a sequence where i have captured the box flying through the sky. I have also made a gif of this so you can see how the box 

Can you spot the box?


  1. Interesting series of shots. Very smart idea of box seemingly hopping around school site. The pictures capture the motion of the box in many different ways. Location makes pictures more interesting. Also the box seems to have been thrown very professionally.

  2. LOL ^ professionally thrown! I like your presentation and you've taken some interesting shots there. The two with Hamza are quite funny but my favourite is the one with the trees in the background. Lovely :)
