
About Me

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Hello my name is Shelley Newman i am an artist based in London and i am currently studying a Foundation art degree. I have always been interested in art & design since i was little, my hobby is drawing Manga, a Japanese cartoon drawing style witch is very popular around the world. My artwork is based on graphic design where i use photoshop to manipulate my artwork, On this blog will be my personal artwork and also my work from my course, I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

3D Thinking Outside The Box: Final Outcomes - Cast

The making: Inside my box was a polystyrene box, I decided to make a cast out of this, First I put masking tape around the seems of the box then I mixed the Plaster of Paris and poured it into the polystyrene mold.

These are part of my final outcome for my 3D box project; My inspiration for this piece was from Rachel Whiteread's installation at Turbine Hall in the Tate Modern.  I found casting the inside of a box very interesting because you don't usually or pay any attention to the inside of a box or even the outside.

The cast came out very well as i have not done many plaster casts before. After i had done the plaster casts i took to Photoshop to see what the cast would look like in different colours.


This is what the cast would look like if i had added green pigment i am planning on adding colour to my next casts as a sort of experiment for myself because i find it interesting.

Here is what the cast would look like if i had added pink pigment.

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